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Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

Tips to Avoid Social Media Cybercrime

We love social media these days. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many others can lead to lots of sharing and fun, but also carry significant risks.

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Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

Keeping Your Bank Account And Credit Cyber-Smart

Financial institutions and hacking go hand-in-hand these days and keeping your bank account and credit from being the next victim is more important than ever. The safest approach, although the least favorite, is assuming that if your data hasn’t yet been hacked...

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Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

The Perks Of Cleaning Out Your Friends List

Some friends are forever, and others are social media friends you no longer need, want, know, or trust. It’s a segment of social media that often gets overlooked, and revisiting that list of friends who have access to your posts can benefit you and your online security.

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Image Source: SOS Daily News

Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

What's Up With WhatsApp Now? OTP Scam Steals Data

WhatsApp, currently one of the world’s most popular mobile social apps, has been hit with another scam targeting its users. This one is an OTP (one-time password) hack that’s racking up unsuspecting victims and stealing their private data.

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Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

We're Still Creating No Good, Very Bad Passwords; Time To Up Our Game

Yep, we’re still doing it. What’s that, you ask? Unfortunately, the collective “we” are still creating as Alexander may say, terrible, horrible, no good, very bad passwords.

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Image Source: SOS Daily News

Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

Social Media Brings Out The Worst Scammers

Social media attacks are a favorite of those pesky cybercriminals. One might wonder why. Well, it’s because it’s easy pickin's going for those accounts.

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Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

1 Million FREE Stolen Bank Cards Posted On Underground Forum

It may be hard to believe, but sadly it’s true. Security researchers recently discovered an avalanche of stolen banking card data, 1 million of them, available for free on an underground forum called All Worlds Cards card shop, or AW_cards for short.

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Image Source: SOS Daily News

Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

Malware On A USB Stick Coming To A Mailbox Near You

The FBI issued a warning to be careful where you stick that USB stick. According to recent reports, the FBI is aware of a financially motivated group of cyber criminals who are sending out malware infected USB sticks...

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Image Source: SOS Daily News

Image Source: Federal Trade Commission
Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Debts and Deceased Relatives

After a relative dies, the last thing a grieving family member wants is a call from a debt collector asking them to pay a loved one’s debt. Here’s what to know about the rules and your rights when a collector contacts you about a deceased relative’s debts.

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Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

New Android Malware Gets Users Into Quite A Tangle

First seen last month in Canada and the U.S., new Android malware has been named Tanglebot. It allows attackers to gain access to all user activity via the camera and microphone, monitor the user's location, and steal any data on the device, including messages and stored files.

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Image Source: SOS Daily News

Image Source: SOS Daily News
Image Source: SOS Daily News

Top Phishing Scams Continue To Improve And Grow

Much to our dismay, cybercrooks keep finding ways to better the phishing tools they have and find other ways to include new and sneakier methods of thievery. Organizations and individuals are targets and money, identities, credentials, and more are stolen from both every day.

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Image Source: SOS Daily News

Image Source: Federal Trade Commission
Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Scammers Use Fake Emergencies to Steal Your Money

Someone calls or contacts you saying they’re a family member or close friend. They say they need money to get out of trouble. But check that there’s an emergency first because it could be a scammer calling.

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Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Image Source: Federal Trade Commission
Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Stolen Identity? Get Help At Identitytheft.Gov

When identity theft happens, it’s hard to know where to begin. That’s why the FTC created IdentityTheft.gov, a one-stop resource for people to report identity theft to law enforcement...

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Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Image Source: PC Magazine
Image Source: PC Magazine

The Best Authenticator Apps for 2022

Leaks and hacks we’ve read about in recent years make it clear that passwords alone don't provide enough security to protect your online bank account or social media accounts.

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Image Source: PC Magazine

Image Source: Federal Trade Commission
Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Romance Scams In 2021: Fraudsters To The Left Of You, Fakers To The Right

Love happens year-round, not only on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, romance scams are the same.

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Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Image Source: Federal Trade Commission
Image Source: Federal Trade Commission

Report To Help Fight Fraud!

Protect your community by reporting fraud, scams, and bad business practices.

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Image Source: Federal Trade Commission